I am ashamed of myself for finally getting to this today when the sermon was preached on Sunday. At least I'm getting to it now. The Sermon was really titled How To Solve Worries About Money.
But I don't really want to focus on Money, although that is a big issue. But the text comes from Luke 12:22-34. Go ahead and read that. There's a lot in this, more then meets the eye on a quick little read through.
Jesus is really trying to bring up this idea: In order to solve worries about 'money' (Or all things, really), we must TRUST in the God who cares for us and seek His Kingdom above our own needs. Which is pretty much a statement of the first point:
I. To Solve Our Worries, We Must Trust In The God Who Cares For Us.
I shall try not to repeat a sentence like that again. Anyway, especially right NOW; it is SO easy to be anxious and get really worried and frustrated in life. Our country's government for sure isn't making it any easier. Neither are the world's core values. Right now, that's what I'm especially worried about: I'm sixteen, growing out of highschool and into college where it's going to be difficult to pay for. Luckily, I think I may have found something that solves that problem, but it's still going to take work for it...but just a few weeks ago, I really didn't. College isn't cheap. So you have to get a job and work tirelessly to pay for it.
To make things even more difficult, it's a HARD job to GET a job. I know a few people right now that are a couple years older then me that are trying to find jobs and can't. They've gone EVERYWHERE, practically. When you look at the issues of this country's economy and cultural principles, it's really easy to turn to pessimism. I know I easily do. But what does that REALLY say about us when we're getting worried over things? We're not trusting in our God to help us get what we need...and He even takes care of the 'ravens' (ravens literally, crows, carrion birds, you get the scene). Are you of more value then birds, Christian? I would think so...so don't worry, God has it all in control.
But you have to listen to what Jesus is saying: He's not saying sit back and relax and don't take any concern at all. We MUST work. Paul says it well in 2 Thessalonians 3:10: "For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat."
So we do need to work and be concerned about things. But worry and concerned are two very different things. Another point that Jesus makes is that we shouldn't worry because...think about it...does worrying do anything? No, it doesn't. In worrying, you just sit and whine. (Mostly, at least). Solomon says it this way in Proverbs 14:23: "All hard work brings profit, but mere talk only brings poverty". You COULD technically entitle 'worry' as mere talk.
Worry really tries to pull our faith in God away from us. It takes the fact that God is in control away and tries to say that we are in control. But what 'worry' fails to recognize is that we are not in complete control...which is simply not the case. The point is: By worrying, you'll never change anything. Worrying can never change the status quo. But, this can: Trust in God that He has it taken care of, and in realizing that fact you'll take action.
I find it also interesting that Jesus compares us with the 'flowers of the field' in verse 27. That's a point of clothing, obviously. I'm wondering if there are any more possible ways to interpret that and the next couple verses. Any thoughts?
Truly, all we need is our basic needs. And God knows that we have basic needs. If we trust Him with a hard work ethic, He will give us those needs. He will. Sometimes there just needs to be a little waiting...maybe a long wait. But the point is that He has it all in control, and everything happens for a reason.
At the heart of worry is a doubt in who God is. Worry mimics the world...and the world worries because it believes it's in control, and truly knows not what to do to make a change in things to get situations better. That's why everything ultimately fails when there's no acknowledgement of God. It's what happened to the Roman Empire, what happened to the British Empire, and every other empire in the history of the world that fell. Sad as it is, that's where America is headed. Truly, the only way for America to start growing again is a national recognition of man's sinful nature, as we had when we were just a beginning nation.
II. To Solve Our Worries, We Must Seek God's Kingdom Above Our Own Needs.
1. There is a command here: Seek God's kingdom. It's mainly done in prayer, but as well as charity in different areas to further His Kingdom. That's all we must seek: God's Kingdom proclaimed and manifested around the entire globe.
2. Assurance: The Father will provide for all our needs if we earnestly seek His Kingdom.
3. Application: Give generously and we will have lasting treasure in Heaven. Really, that's what it's all about here. The two main things in life are either Materials...which decays and dies over time, or God's Kingdom, which never falls apart, despite what the World thinks. Where we put our treasures into, that's where our hearts follow. If we put treasure into materials and Earthly 'gains', we will fade. If we place our treasure in Heaven, God's Kingdom...there our heart will be also, and we will live.
Now you have to know what I'm saying here: I'm not saying that you can't 'enjoy' 'comforts' nowadays. The point is that you need to be earnestly seeking God's Kingdom. When you seek His Kingdom on a daily and hourly, and momently basis...worry will fade for you. Oh how I long to have that feeling. Jesus bids us to focus not on this life, but the next. Shall we try to focus more on the Next life in Eternity? I agree with Jesus, but we're all going to need His help to do so. Mind asking Him to join with us and help us grow? Indeed. Any thoughts?
Hey, Benjamin, It's me!
I really liked this. I'm trying to choose a favorite line here... there's a few good ones...
"At the heart of worry is a doubt in who God is."
There it is. But I was going to say, I think there is an extent of worry that is "allowed" right? Like when you're worrying about someone else, and praying for them too?
:) Yes, there IS a bit of an 'extent' of worry that is allowed, and that would be for another person. But I would still say it as concerned :)
A few Sundays ago my pastor gave a sermon on this too! Before then I thought I wasn't a very worried person. But the pastor said: "Worry is the 'excepted' sin of today's church." And I realized that I worried about all kinds of things but excused it because, hey, everyone worries, right?
Thanks for sharing this :)
hey, im still going to collage days, are you?
i thought if you were it would be neato to hook up and say hello, or something, lol. :]
That was a very good post. I agree with everything you said. I believe the lot of what He is saying in verse 27-28,is that He protects the flowers and the grass each day,so just imagine how much He will take care of you,and protect you and give you signs,if you just accept Him. I hope we can become good friends in Christ.
I haven't been paying much attention to my blog for sure!
Velvet Possibility: Yes, I am, and so is most of my family. AMP will give you my email address, and we'll talk about it through that way. Okay?
Hannah: Very true, I agree :) And yes, I'm sure we shall.
Thanks for the comments :)
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