Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I'm Back...Maybe...

So I finally remembered my password (Only to forget it again in a couple weeks, probably). Anyway, I will be trying to fit in a time to ramble in this little box my thoughts...about stuff, MAINLY Life, God, happiness...etc. Wait a minute? Happiness? Hmm...I'm starting to sound positive again. Good, good. As I have said...I will try to fit in some time to write on here.

But right now, I want to just talk a little bit about the debates going on...first off, I'm either for Perry or Cain at the moment. Paul is good on the Economic side, but I think he lost a few points in my book for some stuff he said last night on the debate. About the others that I would consider...Gingrich could work because of his high intellect and quick wit. He's very knowledgeable about the problems at hand, and he knows that we need to mix and match some good stuff between all the candidates and then throw them into one. Unfortunately, because of his lack of morals, he's technically unelectable. Santorum has a mouth, he's very vocal and loud about getting at other people and putting himself up for the best plausible solution. He's obsessed with himself and the things that he's accomplished. Romney's really just a rich jerk trying to find his way into the White House. On the other side of things, Bachman has really good morals...but I give her nothing for the intellectual side of things. She keeps attacking Obama and his failures...but she doesn't really say what she'll do to change things...only very vaguely if at all.


B.L.S. said...

This is my first post in 2011...and it's already almost

AMP said...

Meet your stalker. (Wow, that came out alot creepier than I thought it would.) Anyway, you already know how I feel so I need not state it except to say that at least Santorum DID accomplish SOMETHING, and I feel really sorry for Bachman... Ouch.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I just wanted to say, or remind you rather, be careful what you write about politicians on the internet... It stays with you.

B.L.S. said...

I only said that because I couldn't think of anything else to say. Sad, I know. I just need to get back into the hang of using this thing. And nice to 'meet' you too, 'stalker'. For a second I didn't recognize it...then I was like, OH! AMP xD

Anonymous said...

You will. You can write, trust me. And if it's political stuff... Just pretend you're having a heated debate with someone like me. Hehe, yeah, I just felt like being mysterious. Maybe I should get one of these.

Anonymous said...

Hey! You're back on blogger! :) lol...

All I say on the subject is go Cain. I may just be biased cause he's a cancer survivor but whatever...

B.L.S. said...

Haha, yes I am, Ellie. How goes your family? For now, I actually think I agree with you. Why? Well, for one matter, Cain is not a politician. In order to fix America's problems right now, a non-politician would be the best choice, because REALLY, the politicians would fix it in a...well, an orthodox way. Cain wouldn't, he'd do his usual thing...which could be an interesting experiment. ALSO, the only reason why Obama got in on the first place was it was deemed 'racist' from the everyone voted for him. If CAIN got in, no one could call it that...and then it would really get interesting. And AMP...I noticed that you don't have a blog, just an account. that what you're meaning, a blog?

And by the way...I am GOING to try to get onto a post from Sunday's Sermon sometime today or tomorrow...we'll see how that works.

Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd say, Cain is out for me now. He probably CAN beat Obama, but what's the difference. I don't trust him. He has no firm stance on abortion or gay rights whatsoever.

Oh, and yes, Ben I was referring to a blog. I never wanted one before, but now I'm considering it. And I have a look at that sermon.

B.L.S. said...

Well what we need is someone who for SURE can GET into Office...And I'm shaky on him to for several different reasons...and it APPEARS as if Gingrich has made a turn around (THere's been news that he repented of his sins and is now a serious Christian, and he's changing his morals...but that can't help him in this race. He may be good for a future President...if he's still alive). But then who do you like again besides Santorum? He should really be against Abortion, I'm not sure why he wouldn't be. And honestly, I'm with that on the other thing. It's just so WEIRD, so you shouldn't even go there.

I thought so, I was just making sure...and yeah, you should make one :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know, Ben. I have a feeling that unless Obama has something up his sleeve for later, that the Republicans have it in the bag this time. Well, I still would have been fine with him regardless. These are politicians, not preachers. Every one of them probably has some skeletons in the closet... They just haven't been politicians long enough for anyone to dig it up. My feelings towards Bachman are of an ambivalent nature. Perry, being one of the front runners, is my main choice for right now. He isn't my favorite, but he's a million times better than Romney. Cain flips flops with what he says. In a CNN interview he leaned towards choice, but on a FOX interview he leaned in the opposite direction. I doubt him. And no, we won't go there.