Okay, this is a new random post for the desire of Josiah Wells. Why does the title happen? Why do people just look at their own problems and not other people's problems? I'm not accusing, or pointing the finger, get it in your mind that I'm just pointing this out, no matter how much it seems as if I'm accusing. The U.S. of A take a lot of things for granted. Why? Because they do not get a very sharp look at the rest of the world. People here with Psychological problems, cancer problems, and other diseases can get rid of them, thanks to the highly trained medics around here, and they seldom seem to understand that they cannot get that kind of attention in Africa or Austrailia, or other places for that matter.
Even people with some finance problems don't see that they have it well. Most people in Africa don't even have a roof over their heads, actually, that was mindless. A few in America have lost their homes. If the Government, or someone else with the brains, (I say that instead because the Government doesn't seem to have much brains) could help them the way they should, and not just give them money, it would actually do good. I'm NOT saying that it is terrible and useless to give money to the needy, but training is needed as well. Okay, I think I'm just going to stop right here, because I'm sounding to...I have no clue what you'd call it, but your thoughts are much appreciated here in this situation, so feel free.
Lee Over and Out.
"Okay, this is a new random post for the desire of Josiah Wells." Did you mean to say "josiah wells' comment?"
Or what? It sounds kinda strange. :-/
No Joe, I was implying that last post you wanted me to post a new post in fear that i was following Fe's steps. (No offense Fe!)
Hey Sam Hill.
I thought you said something about desiring Josiah wells, and I was a little creeped out LOL.
Spandex is tight tight clothing, like superheroes wear. It's stretchy and form fitting. It is embarassing.
Ahhh, so, the bike "Super Suit" I get it now...
We do have it very good over here, relative to much of the world at least. It was sobering when I heard that only about 2% of people ever fly on a commercial airplane, and only about 2% of people ever get the opportunity to go to college... and to think that I've done both - it's mind boggling to imagine how much I've been blessed and yet how little I'm grateful for it.
Exactly my point. I haven't done College, because i'm only fourteen, but I've been on countless planes in my life...
I'd love to go on a plane. And then (hopefully) the engines would die, so I would get to go parachuting, too.
I think what I take for granted the most, living here in america, is our freedom to worship.
That too, Breanna, nice pointer. Thanks.
Who said 'the engines would die'? 'Cause I'm completly with you! Although, I've been on countless planes and none of the engines died. *sniff*...
New post, already!
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