Well, as you can clearly see, i'm doing another post on a sermon...The first scripture we see is Romans 12:1. There are a lot of scriptures in this, so you may need your bibles because i can't take the time or length to post every scripture, but i can do every reference. So, look up Romans. As you can see, we're supposed to give our bodies as a living sacrifice. David, our pastor, went on to point this out: "Evangelism, serving, giving, repentance, etc...Everything can be worship." Romans 1:9, Hebrews 13:16, Philippians 4:18 and Psam 51:17. Look those up, will you? I am going to quote this one, as the passage is the name of our youth group: 1 Corinthians 10:31: "So, wether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." Remember this: Singing is not the definition of worship. Worship can be lifelong. So, in truth, there is no "off" switch for worshipping God.
His next point was that, just as all life can be worshipping God, it is easier that all life can be Idolatry. Another reference to look up is Romans 1:24-25. Really, all sin is idolatry: Collossians 3:5. ANother thing to consider: Sin does not stop us from worshipping, rather, it redirects, or "CHANGES" what or who we worship. So, in particular, we see that all of Sin is creating us to worship something but God. So, another question is this: It is not are we worshipping, the question is What Are We Worshipping? Anything can be worshipped, from a grain of sand to a Mustang car, or a toy, or even a drink. And, unless God draws you to him, you will always sin. Now there is a terror, and no doubt about it. Always try to lift up your eyes to the Glorious One, and the only one worth worshipping. Keep that in mind...
Mac Over 'n Out.
Great job, Ben!
Nice POST!
Oh, thanks. I'll be postin' another one from the most recent sunday.
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