Perfect. It seems like ever since I got my gash by that annoying glass dish, I have been seeming to get bad luck. while raking to try and get in two of my friends business, I got a blister. then, after that; one of my x-friends shot me with several bb airsoft gun. It really hurt because he had a special airsoft gun that shoot's extra hard. Then, I fell of the tree. If I had fallen two inches to the left I would have come crashing down on Dillon, the x-friend, who, is, not one of my friends anymore. And, will NOT BE AGAIN~! sorry. Then, when I wake up this morning, blister from raking, (It had a thing that I should have peeled off) IT GREW BACK INTO MY SKIN!!!! It doesn't look very pretty, if, by chance you know what I mean. hey, at least I have a band-aid around it so I am not able to look at the disgusting hole that the growing in peice of skin left. VERY, VERY DISGUSTING!!!!! I do not feel like submitting a peice of scripture right this minute. I feel very confident something else will happen, like me breaking one of my toenails or something. I think I am bad luck right now.
Leemac Over 'n Out
There is no such thing as bad luck. And when we complain, we are telling God that we don't like the way He has planned things for us. As for your ex friend, God has forgiven you, shouldn't you forgive him too?
P.S. Your spelling and grammar is atrocious:)
I do not know who you are, but I do not think you are Mrs. Young. whoever you are, I KNOW THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BAD LUCK! BUT IT SEEMS LIKE IT!!! actually, come to think of are talking like my mom.
We're gonna need Sherlock to solve this mystery!
DILLAN'S GOIN' DOWN!!!!! Well, not until he shoots me with an airsoft gun:)
(Charli. meant to say that on the last one.)
wat mystery lazure?
plus lazure, I can probably do better than our sherlock to find out a mystery....:)
I loooove rush of fools...i have no idea why i said that...
Oh, but I am not your mom!
Maybe, possibly my dad? Or, then, you'd still be a grown-up. Are you Mrs. Young? probably not...What about one of my Aunts?
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