This was a very good message preached by Wayne Brooks. The first conversation of Jesus is Fear Not. Jesus' main theme is fear not. He says this a lot, especially when he arose from the grave...and when someone saw him for the first time...and all the angels said it when people encountered them. The second conversation: Touch Me. after Jesus appeared, the disciples came to Thomas, and called to him, "Jesus has been risen from the dead!" and Thomas replied,"Unless I see the marks and feel them I will believe...". Eight days later they were in a house locked tight but Jesus still came. Thomas was with them this time. The disciples scattered becuase they were pretty sure Thomas would be called for this one, but Jesus simply said, " Thomas, come and touch me on my side." this is where the Roman Centurion had come and sliced his side and was left open. Thomas came and felt it, and said, "My Lord! I see you and I believe!" and Jesus replied, "Blessed are those who believe but do not see." So, we are blessed if we believe him. Third Conversation: Go Out. He told them to go out and preach and proclaim abot him, the son of God who was raised from the dead. and then, this is really where the gospel comes in: John 3:16. I've said it before, so I am not going to say the verse. but it really makes a bridge...Doesn't it? Fourth Conversation: Follow Me. In John 21:18-22 we hear this command twice, so if you have a bible, plz look at it, because this has already been a long post and if I do scripture to this would be a never ending post. speaking of that, I like the never ending story series...the movies. I haven't read the books if there is any...which I am pretty sure there is. If you ever hear a voice in you saying,"You don't need to follow christ, You need to do what you want. You are so much higher than that, and DON'T FOLLOW ANYONE BUT YOURSELF," don't listen, it is NOT true. but follow the voice that says,"Follow me, There is a world beyond this that you can only get to by following me. This world that I will lead you to has so much more to offer than this world." Listen to this voice because it is true. The first voice is the demon trying to get you NOT to follow god. This is wrong, and do not listen. Listen to Jesus, he is the one that is the truth. There is really nothing better to give your life to. You might feel this is gambling your whole life and yourself, but really it is the opposite. The first voice is all lies and deceptions. THIS VOICE IS GAMBLING YOUR LIFE! THE OTHER IS NOT! Please consider this. We had a fun time at the easter Party the other day...:)
Leemac Over 'n Out
Clearly, this blog is written by a brilliant scholar. He is RISEN!
Indeed He has!
He has Risen indeed!!
I hear Russian Roulette also gambles your life. I wouldn't do that either.
Joking aside, for your age you certainly have very good writing/typing skills and a strong devotion. You didn't talk much when I met you, but you seem like a really good kid. I bet a lot of people are proud of ya!
I've had those comments before Lazure. -phyllis+ why don't you post a review on your review blog? and I do have a strong devotion to the lord, if thats what you mean...and He has like I said. JESUS RULES!
Wow that is very profound (if I dare use the cliche). Keep it up Leemac! Very encouraging blog.
Thanks Mattea K., even though I've never seen you and don't really know who you are, you seem like a very godly friend.:)
AAAHHHHH!!! The honesty! The sincerity! The thoughtfullness!!! It goes against everything I stand for! My cynisism is mellllttiiinnng.....
In other words, nice post, very thoughtful, interesting without being sarcastic. something I can't do! God gloryfing too. Keep it comin' ben.
I am one of those people who are proud of ya'.
Well Thank you sherlock. You, and your younger siblings, and your older one, have always been as close to me, like You are my family who I live with. (Well I have known you all my life) Yeah, you might see a new post tonight:)
Well, I dare say you've been like an older bro to me all these years.
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